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A Do-Gooders Journey and the Lessons Learned in 2016!

As I sit back and reflect on 2016, I smile so big because I made it! Despite everything that could have held me back, I kept going, I stayed the course, I didn’t quit even when I wanted to  and I’m so very proud of myself. This year I hosted my first of what will be many service missions to Haiti, I traveled to three new countries, I got my second TV show on a major network, I won some amazing awards, grants and honors. I launched impactful programs, I continued my pursuit of social change through giving back, expanded my efforts to other cities and I really did some numbers, if I do say so myself. However none of my accomplishments came easy, this year there were feelings of sadness, fear, doubt and loneliness. There were moments of joy, self-discovery, bliss and forgiveness towards myself and others. In 2016 negative things happened, and positive things happened too. It’s a lot easier to let the negatives outweigh the positives, and I feel like I let myself focus on the negatives more often than not this year. I say let myself because I believe it’s a choice. You can focus on the negative things or you can choose to be positive because you deserve to be happy. You always have to choose HAPPY.

Here are my top three lessons coming out of 2016… I pray my words help someone along this journey called life!

Lesson Number One – They Don’t Matter, You Do!

In 2016 I learned that you have to be selfish sometimes and put yourself first! There were times this year, where I allowed other people’s opinions and words to have too much power. I let their words or feelings of doubt in my dreams, hurt me and I didn’t realize they were hurt themselves. I know my heart is pure, when it comes to the change I want to see and the life I want to live. I do everything from a place of love, but there will always be people who will think negatively and try and rain on your parade. The truth is despite how open, peaceful and loving you are, people can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves. I learned that you can do everything for everybody, but some people will quickly forget and others are there only for what you can do for them, so never expect anything in return. God showed me in the most vivid ways who was really there for me and who to walk away from so I lost some friends and loved ones, but I’m at peace with it. I learned to let people go and it doesn’t mean I didn’t love them or that I won’t always wish the best for them but, that in my life they simply didn’t have a home. I needed to let them go and let God work in my life. Sometimes who you start with won’t be who you finish with and that’s ok.   Also your journey is your journey and someone else’s journey is just that, their journey. Don’t get caught up in what everyone else is doing and their successes wondering when your blessings are coming. Truth is you don’t know what anyone else is going thru or had to get thru to be where they are today. Take time to unplug and focus on what will get you the blessings that you deserve. Amidst all the the chaos and drive to succeed, don’t forget to slow down and take care of yourself, above anyone else, you matter the most!

Lesson Number Two – Count it all Joy!

This year I learned I had to accept that where I was at every moment in my life, was a result of my actions and my decisions. You have to take responsibility for your actions, but never let your mistakes guide you. You can get past anything and everything if you keep moving forward. If you live in the past, your past will always hunt you, so I let go and I really let God order my steps. I learned that storms are to be weathered and that indeed joy comes in the morning. True story, some of my worst nights were often met with my best mornings. When I was down, I had to tell myself that if it’s me and me only that believes in my dreams and my visions, than so be it. I learned that seeking approval or acceptance from anyone other than God was a waste of time. I learned that loving me above all was the most important thing I could ever do and that my happiness depended on me and only me. Whatever you may go thru, ultimately it will make you better if you allow it to, so count it all joy.

Lesson Number Three…Embrace It All!

This year God forced me to get out of my comfort zone and expand my views. I learned to embrace who I am and always follow my passions. Big dreamer I am, huge visions yes, but I know God wouldn’t give me the insight if it wasn’t for me to foster the opportunities and make my dreams real. People will stop believing, people will say you won’t succeed, you will hear the word no many times, but don’t give up. Embrace everything that’s happening in your life because it’s happening for a reason. Build, foster, and cherish your relationships — they will be the key to your success and always remember… keys open up doors! With the right people around you a small idea can flourish and grow into something major, even quicker than you thought was possible. Embrace change and embrace new opportunities, as long as you don’t let fear hold you back, you can do anything you dream to do.

Happy New Year Everyone; Here’s to 2016 and a brighter, happier and amazing 2017!!

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