Home > Change-Makers > Change-Maker Sara A. Crawford Uses Fashion to Give Back.

Change-Maker Sara A. Crawford Uses Fashion to Give Back.

“Fashion is a hobby for some, for me it’s my lifestyle.”

Words from a true fashionista, Sara A. Crawford the founder of Anara Original. Alone she takes the division of urban couture to a new level and provides this outlet of fashion a unique platform that stands behind social causes while exhibiting fashion with a message.  Some people see her as highly determined for completing her Bachelors of Fine Arts in Fashion Design and Marketing in only three years from the International Academy of Design and Technology. Others see her as an inspiration for overcoming being slightly visually impaired as a result of being an albino African American. Through her various contributions to organizations such as The Diabetes Association and The Division for the Visually Impaired, some will say she fits the demeanor of a modern day philanthropist. Sara is truly all of the above and more. Her story is inspiring and the fashion industry has allowed her to showcase her work to her peers young and old, delivering the message that despite any disability everyone has the capability to accomplish anything.

Formerly working with brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, DDC Lab and H&M, Sara was inspired to create Anara Original as an extension of herself. The brand name derives from her first name (Sara) and middle name (Ann).  As a fashion designer she is someone who has an eye for taking something plain and turning it into something not so ordinary. She loves the concept of “adding”.  As an entrepreneur in the fashion industry Sara Crawford stands out by conveying the idea that is fashion “wearable art”.  She enjoys participating in various organizations because she can relate to the causes that they stand for.  In 2011she created an extension of her line, “ The elements of natural fiber”.  Inspired by the unfortunate natural disasters that occurred such as the Tsunami in Japan. This line is ECO-friendly, hence the concept of fashion with a message. Sara’s story is one that presents strength, something she reveals as a core element to navigating life. To learn more about Sara and her work with the Anara brand visit www.anaraoriginal.com.

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2 Responses

  1. Trina

    Sara is a force of nature!  I have never met someone in my travels who is so talented and determined to reach their goals.  She has the talent, she just needs the venue.  :)

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