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Charity Spotlight: Atlanta Diaper Relief

In poor and low-income families, a baby can spend a day or longer in one diaper, leading to potential health and abuse risks. Low-income parents cannot take advantage of free or subsidized childcare if they cannot afford to leave disposable diapers at childcare centers. If parents cannot access daycare, then they are less able to attend work or school on a consistent basis. This in turn leads to increased economic instability and a continuation of the cycle of poverty.

But Atlanta based charity Atlanta Diaper Relief is on a mission to help impact lives of countless families. Their mission is to ensure that families living in poverty have an adequate supply of diapers for their infants and toddlers. Not enough is being done to help these families with this specific need. We aim to raise community awareness that “basic human needs” include diapers and that these needs are not being met for children living in poverty; and we will serve as advocates for policy reform so that diapers are included in the definition of and provision for the “basic human needs” of families.

Without transportation, buying diapers at an inner city convenience store rather than a large retailer can double or triple the monthly cost for diapers. Many parents are already struggling to pay for rent and food and simply cannot afford the high cost of an adequate supply of diapers for their children.

The costs of caring for a baby are high. In fact, diapers alone can cost as much as $50 – $80 a month, and there are no government aid programs (WIC, Food Stamps, Medicare) to help low-income families get diapers. This can be a huge struggle for the many families across the country who can’t afford the expense of diapers, forcing them to resort to extreme measures.

For more information on how you can host a diaper drive or get involved with the Atlanta Diaper Relief visit www.atlantadiaperrelief.org, like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter!

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