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Charity Spotlight: Dreams Works, Inc. – Washington, DC.

Dreams Work, Inc. is a community based organization with 501(c)3 non-profit status that services youth and their surrounding community through the utilization of the arts. Our staffers engage youth in schools and various communities, providing a proactive way for participants to fulfill their dreams. Dreams Work takes a unique approach to empowering the youth, by utilizing the arts to tackle issues that plague today’s youth. As recent studies have found that empowering the youth through the arts is more effective than basic mentoring

The Dream Works, Inc. Mission
Dreams Work Inc. continuously strives to meet the needs of youth by providing them with the opportunity to gain life-building skills using the arts. They will utilize their talent(s) through performances, as a way to spread awareness and education about various social issues throughout the community

Why the arts?
Numerous studies show a direct correlation between the involvement in drama and academic achievement. Dramatic activities improve reading comprehension, and both verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and students likely to drop out of high school cite drama and other arts classes as their motivations for staying in school. Students who are involved in the arts have increased self-esteem and a higher level of confidence in their academic abilities.

BCG Highlights the Dream Works, Inc. The Dream Academy
The Dream Academy provides participants with the resources and direction to hone their individual talents in music, theater, dance, vocal performance (song, rap, poetry), and visual arts in a welcoming environment. The program operates in twelve-week sessions for youth, ages 5-12, with the guidance of program facilitators. Participants and facilitators collaborate to write, produce and perform a variety show called “Daydreams” at the conclusion of each session. “Daydreams” addresses a pressing social issue selected by students.The Dream Academy will give youth participants an avenue to enhance their artistic abilities through sectional training, building viable friendships and relationships with peers through group rehearsals and projects, developing a understanding of how certain social issues affect individuals as well as their community at-large, students will use their gifts and talents to relay a message that will be engaging and informative to program attendees and will promote community awareness and involvement to change the fabric of their community and world around them. Robert Kennedy once said “Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?” this is the heart and soul of what Day Dreams is meant to teach Dreams Work, Inc participants to accomplish.

To learn more about Dream Works, Inc. visit www.wemakedreamswork.org, Like them on Facebook and follow on Twitter!


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