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Charity Spotlight: Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation Inc.

Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation Inc.(FPAFI) is a community based service organization helping foster parents and children in foster care improve the quality of life by providing advocates,educational workshops,and resources.

FPAFI says we need to come together as a community to ensure that our children have every opportunity to grow up in safe, healthy and loving environments. FPAFI wants to focus on foster care agencies and help to improve the services that are being provided to help the foster parents become effective in caring for the children in their home. They hope to expand and have an office in all of the five boroughs so that foster parents will receive the services and support that they need for the child that is in their home.

Many foster parents are having issues with their foster care agency, Most of the foster parents require assistance and will benefit from having outside additional support and help.There needs to be an evolution of foster parents from “babysitters” to professional volunteer team members. We want to educate, support and develop an army of well trained community members who will be the agents for change and a strong foundational support for our children in care in New York City. We want to work with everyone to make sure that the children in care are well taken care of.

Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation Inc.  organization aims to provide a place for foster parents and children to receive adequate services. The organization provides advocates to foster parents, in turn helping the children in their care.  They  also work to provide youths who have ‘aged out’ of the child welfare system, with the services they are entitled to receive. FPAFI wants to work to build relationships between agencies and foster parents, to ensure that parents and children in the foster care system receive the services they need. Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation Inc. is a 501C3 non-profit organization, founded in 2008.  FPAFI provides community resources, educational programs, and support and training services for foster parents and children in the child welfare system.

The mission of  Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation Inc. is to help bridge the gap between the many quality social service agencies in the New York City area and the foster parents and youths  that need their help. To bridge this gap, we aim to empower and to inform foster parents and youths of New York City through this web site. We  will assist foster parents and youths with advocates and information. Provide them with the tools necessary to connect foster parents and youths  in need to the appropriate services that they need.

To learn more about Foster Parent Advocacy Foundation Inc. visit www.fpafoundation.org.

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