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Getting Celebrities to Support Your Cause!

We receive requests daily from nonprofits across the country looking for celebrities to partner with them for events or endorse their charity. Over the weekend BCG had the opportunity to attend the Association of Black Foundation Executives annual conference in Los Angeles, CA. During the Sports and Entertainment Philanthropy panel which hosted representatives from: Ne-yo’s Compound Foundation, Wade’s World, Tavis Smiley Foundation and MC Lyte’s Hip Hop Sisters to name a few we posed the question, how can nonprofits connect with celebrities? We received some great insight from the panel on tips your organization can take to get celebrities involved with your cause. Our good friend Kimberly “Just Kim” O’Neil of The Giving Blueprint also shares some tips and tricks you can use in recruiting celebs!

Five Tips for Nonprofits Looking to Connect with Celebrities!

1). Be realistic in your ask! Remember that your organization is not the only organization of the 1.5 million nonprofits in the USA seeking a celebrity endorsement. When we say be realistic, we received a great example from the Admiral Center, requesting large amounts of money or appearance requests on the first ask may not always happen. For example, start small if you are hosting an event and would like support from an NBA player, perhaps request an autographed basketball that you can auction off. It’s a small realistic request that will help you build a relationship with that player.

2). Do your research! Do your homework on the celebrity.  Do they have a passion for your cause?  Make sure it’s a good fit for them as well as your organization. We heard from managers and foundation directors that too often they receive requests that do not match the mission of the celebrity’s foundation. For example, Ne-Yo supports children in foster care and group homes, but often he will receive requests for animal rights. Part of your job when seeking out celebrities is to do your research, find out what causes a particular celebrity supports before approaching them. This will not only increase your chances that the celebrity may support your cause, but will save you a lot of time. If the celebrity is able to serve, make sure you have the resources available to execute the project or event. Don’t ever over promise and under-deliver.

3). Be in Compliance! You may not know this, but just like volunteers can deduct their time volunteering with a 501c (3) so can celebrities. This is why it’s extra important that you are in compliance you’re your IRS status. Register and update your profiles with Guidestar, be open with leadership, financials and audits. It makes it easier to research your organization.

4). Be strategic with your ask.  Respect the process the celebrity has in place for requesting their service and the parameters around it.  It makes it easier to repeat the ask again in the future. Be able to articulate how the celebrity’s time, talent and/or resources will benefit the organization. Generic requests will get you nowhere. Your request should be as detailed as possible and include the time you need the celebrity there, what they will be doing at the event, if you would like them to sign autographs ect. There can be no surprises. Also include as much information as you can on how your organization will be promoting the event and how the celebrity can benefit from attending.

5). Keep your options open! Make a list of up to 5 celebrities that you are interested in for your project. This is where it’s important to again research and make sure that these celebrities support causes similar to yours. Work them at the same time, this will allow you to have a back-up plan in the event one or more is not available. Try to identify celebrities that may be able to make a longer term commitment and support your nonprofit as an ambassador.


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3 Responses


    I am from Uganda- East Africa. This is a great idea. I have been trying to raise money to help THE FORMER CHILD SOLDIERS IN GULU, who were abducted by the WAR-LORD KONY (You Can GOOGLE). Just to empower these now grown children with provision that is progressive. I think this would hep alot. With the money to help them start up small scale business at home, so that they too can earn some income.

  2. margo richard

    hi my name is Margo iam from Louisiana I have a big family cousins uncles aunts sisters bothers we’re not poor but we could use some money i always prey for my family and i all ways prey that one day ill be rich and could take care all them I really wont to know how it feels to be rich and and have my family be proud of me and I also would like to see how it feels to date arich person and I wont my family to see how it feels to I just wont the best for them because I love them so iam asking celebertes to donate money to me so me and my family could come up god would bless yall could rich me at 3373086665☺

  3. margo richard

    Dear celebertes my name is Margo Richard iam from Louisiana I have a big beautiful family a mom a sister a bout her aunts uncles cousins and lil cousin we are not poor we are middle class I all ways wonted to be rich and be the leader of my family I wont to be able to open up businesses and let my family work for me and build use houses by each other I wont the women I my family to marry rich men a I wont the boys in my family to marry rich women but not the ones that aready have somebody and all so have friends that I love to and that can work for me and maybe one day I can find me a rich man to marry ya no so iam asking if some celebertes could Donte money to me so me and my family could be rich o iam 33 years old

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