Home > News > Why Nonprofits Rock! Guest Post by Torri Hicks, Founder of YouthNique, Inc.

Why Nonprofits Rock! Guest Post by Torri Hicks, Founder of YouthNique, Inc.

YouthNique, Inc.Nonprofits lead to a decrease in negative outcomes for youth and increases betterment of all humanity.

Without nonprofits who would respond heroically to catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina? Who would provide food to those who are hungry, shelter to those who are homeless and rebuild ravaged communities? Without nonprofits who would fight for our youth and ensure equality, prevent diseases and abuse, provide education, and stir up gifts and talents?

Nonprofits do more than just good. They are in fact the backbone of this world; the essential ingredient to the betterment of humanity and they need more people like you to start them. But what exactly is a nonprofit organization and how does someone get started?

People hear the term nonprofit organization (NPO) and immediately picture a soup kitchen, as a dreadfully zero or bare bank balance. But in actuality, some NPO’s turn very lofty profits on their operations. So what makes the difference between the NPO’s that keep the cash flowing and the NPO’s that struggle to stay afloat? Avoiding Common Nonprofit Pitfalls and Seeking Professional Nonprofit Help.

A NPO is an entity that channels any profits back into the operation of the organization, rather than distributing the profits to owners and investors.  Just about anyone who has a mission, goals, and vision for a NPO can apply and retrieve a tax exempt status from the IRS. However, the growth and sustainability of your NPO is not determined by gaining a NPO status, it’s what you do after you receive it.   Avoiding the following Common NPO Pitfalls and seeking Nonprofit help to accomplish the Steps to Sustainable NPO’s will ensure that your NPO not only survives but thrives.

Common Nonprofit Pitfalls

1)      Profit is respected more than partnerships/relationships

2)      Programming becomes more important than the participants

3)      Getting Things Done is more important than doing things the right way

4)      Percentages are valued more than bringing about change

5)      Position status is the focus rather than team building

6)      Expansion becomes the objective vs. efficiency

Steps to starting Sustainable Nonprofits include, but are not limited to,

1)      Determine the appropriate legal status for your NPO. NPO’s are not one-size-fits-all; there are several other classifications outside of a 501(c)(3)

2)      Create a mission that undoubtedly summarizes your NPO’s purpose and includes the participants that will      benefit from its work

3)      Incorporate your Nonprofit with the Secretary of State

4)      Create a thorough strategic plan that outlines the current and future goals/services. This gives the NPO vision   and avoids aimless efforts

5)      Identify and Develop a diverse, committed, and “working board”

6)     Apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS, and then keep working!

7)     Create innovative marketing strategies and campaigns that include more than just grants.

8)      Recruit committed volunteers that believe in your mission before considering paying staff.

These are just a few steps to get you started with you your NPO for more nonprofit help visit www. youthnique.com

It takes an innovative, unique, and youthful approach to help nonprofits thrive, thus “YouthNique”. YouthNique is a cutting-edge nonprofit management company that assists in the start and management of sustainable nonprofit foundations and organizations providing entrepreneurs, entertainers, professional athletes, and organizations with an opportunity to turn their philanthropic vision into reality.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/YouthNique-Inc/289312255590

Twitter: https://twitter.com/YouthNiqueInc

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_mPskMkRWw

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